Hair Restoration Knoxville Tennessee
Shedding approximately 50 to 100 hairs per day is normal. However, since our scalps have around one million strands of hair, the amount of hair loss won’t cause any noticeable thinning. Gradual thinning is also a normal part of the overall aging process. As we grow older, our hair will start to thin out naturally.
What Causes a Noticeable Amount of Hair Loss?
Up to as many as one-third of all women and men are affected by hair loss and it can sometimes start early in life.
Hair loss in men has several different causes. However, male pattern baldness is the most common cause. Around 95% of all cases are accounted for by this kind of hair loss. Usually, it is caused by a combination of heredity and hormonal activity. Hair follicles within the scalp become smaller, and a shorter hair growth cycle develops over time. Typically men start to notice hair loss on the top of their scalp and/or around their hairline.
Hair loss in women may be triggered by a number of different medical conditions and also various lifestyle factors including childbirth, diets, and extreme stress. Some of the medical hair loss causes in women include the following:
Alopecia areata, where the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks hair follicles that are healthy which causes the person’s hair to start falling out in patches.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a chronic hormonal imbalance that has numerous side effects associated with it, including hair loss.
Thyroid problems (too little or too much thyroid hormone is produced).
There are a number of different reasons why hair loss may occur, including certain diseases and medications, genetics, and irreversible damage that develops over time from excessive tension. No matter what the problem is, hair loss is experienced by both women and men of all races and ages. SmartGraft® is the best and most effective fue hair restoration device that is currently available for patients who are sick and tired of feeling self-conscious about their hair and would like to make positive changes to the way they look. It is the most effective and smartest way to combat hair loss and provides noticeable and permanent results.
SmartGraft® Hair Transplantation: A Natural Solution
SmartGraft® Hair Transplantation is such an excellent solution provided by Optimal Health in Knoxville, Tennessee due to the outstanding results that it produces. There are noticeable changes that occur very quickly and you might first start noticing real growth in as few as three months following your procedure. The hair grows back in phases. Typically full growth will be achieved within an 11-12 month period. The performance of SmartGraft® far exceeds other comparable hair restoration processes, including other types of fue hair restoration devices. So it isn’t too surprising why so many patients are increasingly choosing SmartGraft® for restoring their confidence and hair.
SmartGraft® Benefits
Major surgery is required with traditional hair transplant and that leaves a big linear scar over the back area of the head. In addition, the recovery period was uncomfortable and slow. Newer robot and automated technologies have been developed. However, they are still inefficient and slow. SmartGraft® is a smarter and better option for both women and men who are in search of a permanent hair loss solution.
For an effective hair transplantation solution, get smart by having SmartGraft®’s Automated FUE Hair Transplant procedure performed by Optimal Healthcare located in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Both women and men, young and old, are affected by hair loss. You can now restore your youthful confidence and hair discreetly and quickly using your very own naturally growing hair, using SmartGraft®’s Advanced FUE Hair Transplant procedure. Compared to many other types of FUE methods, it also takes less time.
Our hair transplant patients in Knoxville, Tennessee can return to work in only one or two days, and enjoy hair transplant results that feel and look completely natural.
Reasons Why You Should Opt For SmartGraft® Hair Transplants
Advanced follicular unit extraction (FUE) automated hair transplant technology is used by SmartGraft®. A leading hair transplant team of engineers, medical researchers, and doctors developed the SmartGraft® system. These team of engineers, medical researchers and doctors understood how important it was to provide physicians with assistance with FUE surgeries to provide patients an alternative solution compared visible linear scarring which occurs when strip hair transplant traditional methods are used.
SmartGraft® utilizes advanced FUE Hair Transplant Restoration technology in order to use your very own hair so that the most natural results are produced. The procedure is performed in one visit and in-office, which means a shorter recovery time and less discomfort for the patient. The best part of all is that permanent results are produced by SmartGraft®.
The following benefits are offered by SmartGraft® FUE hair transplants:
A totally natural look. Since your own natural hair is used for filling in balding spots, it produces the most healthy look and natural results possible.
A minimal amount of scarring. In contrast to other traditional procedures where large strips of hair must be restored and removed, individual micrografts are used by Smart Graft so that the linear scar is eliminated.
In-office, single procedure. The procedure is performed inside of a doctor’s office and normally lasts for around five hours.
Practically no downtime. There is a short recovery period and typically patients are able to wash their hair within a couple of days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the SmartGraft® procedure involve?
With only local anesthetic used, the SmartGraft® device is used by the physician to extract individual micro hair grafts gently from the back of the head. Then the grafts are implanted in the blading areas in order to regrow natural, thick hair.
What type of results can I expect to get?
The new grafts of hair will grow in the thinning or bald areas to create a natural and fuller looking head of hair. It has a completely natural appearance since it is your real hair, to restore your confidence level and youthful appearance.
Why should I choose SmatGraft?
- It is ideal for both women and men.
- The most critical hair restoration component is incorporated – the ability of the physician to implant hair graft in the right areas to reframe your face properly.
- The system has the ability to harvest grafts from other areas of the body, such as the face, back, and chest, to produce better results.
To have the SmartGraft® procedure will I need to get a buzz cut?
No, as long as your hair is long enough, the physician will be able to use the SmartGraft® to harvest hair graft by shaving small areas that your longer hair can cover.
What does the recovery period entail?
The procedure will heal quickly which will allow you to return to work in a few days. After the procedure, you will have very few activity restrictions.